Our neighbors, and future generations, deserve the chance to grow and prosper. We must do all we can to ensure economic growth is based on sustainable sources of energy and fair working conditions and business structures.
I strongly oppose economic exploitation and externalized costs. I stand for healthy regulation of industries that can, and do, cause social and environmental harm. I believe that business has a responsibility to benefit its customers, its community, and our shared world, as well as its own interests. I care deeply about working conditions and wages - and I support the rights of unions to collectively bargain to achieve better ones. Taxing those who’ve achieved immense wealth is a fair and necessary component of creating opportunity and justice for future generations.
The super-rich have benefitted from public investment in infrastructure, education, research, and countless other public benefits - it isn’t fair for the wealth they’ve created from on these resources to remain only in their hands. Like in any good ecosystem, some of the harvest must be returned to the soil. Some of the wealth must be reinvested in society, for future generations to be as vibrant and rich in opportunity as previous ones.